Can you afford to lose your life, your house, your car and even your relationships? This is what many people are risking when they fail to do a hazard and risk assessment. Every business must legally comply with Work Health & Safety legislation but the Hazard and Risk Assessment answers the question… How does that apply to me?
Every task that you do in your business MUST be assessed for potential danger, and then you examine how you can make the task safer. It is not to say… “it was common sense”… it is not enough to say “I did it mentally”… it MUST be documented so that it stands up in court.
With social media and work safe telling the world about major incidents, can you really afford not to implement a safety system in your workplace? It all starts with the Hazard and Risk Assessment. There would be nothing worse when the eyes of the world are looking at you, because you are in court after causing the death of a worker.
What would be worse is sitting in the courtroom looking into the eyes of the mother, the spouse or your employees’ children and knowing you had killed their loved one. How could you justify that you were too busy or could not be bothered to do a hazard and risk assessment of all their jobs? How could you justify that the risk was not present if you have not conducted a hazard and risk assessment?
Do you want to sleep well at night knowing you had taken all reasonably preventable steps to keep all your employees, contractors and members of the public safe? Well, the only way to sleep well is to do a Hazard & Risk Assessment.
Hazard & Risk Assessments apply to every size of business. Even a sole trader without staff needs to do a Hazard & Risk Assessment as their activity could hurt their clients, suppliers or members of the public.