Independent AS61882, HAZOP, HAZID, CHAZOP, CHAIR Facilitator
We help Work Health & Safety Managers to audit, review and implement Safety in Design on their projects. Many WHS Managers are not qualified in Safety in Design or have an engineering background so we work with them to facilitate Safety in Design.
It is essential to integrate a detailed safety design system before the installation of machinery in order to avoid increased costs and reduce downtime to a minimum. This applies whether the machine is to be built from new, retrofitted or converted.
Complexity of processes and systems requires the ability to untangle the systems/disciplines and applying the right assessment tool in the right situation to make it manageable and safe.
AS61882 HAZOP Facilitator
HAZOP is the systematic technique to Identify potential HAZard and OPerating problems. It involves a multi-disciplinary team methodically ‘brainstorming’ the plant design. As a Facilitator we take a qualitative technique based on “guide words” to help provoke thoughts about the way deviations from the intended operating conditions can lead to hazardous situations or operability problems.
The purpose of a HAZOP study is to identify al possible deviations from the way in which a design is expected to work and to identify all hazards associated with these deviations. When deviations arise that results in hazards, actions are generated that require design engineers to review and suggest solutions to remove the hazard or to reduce its risk to an acceptable level.
HAZID Facilitator
Hazard Identification (HAZID) is a brainstorming workshop with a multi-disciplinary team to identify potential hazards. The HAZID is one technique within a suite of hazard evaluation and risk management tools. This process is at a higher level compared to a HAZOP, What-If or bowtie study.
CHAZOP Facilitator
CHAZOP is an acronym for Control HAZOP/ Computer HAZOP and is the case where the Hazard and Operability Risk assessment technique is used to determine the risk level of a plant’s Control System or Safety System. Most modern plants use some variation of computer based control systems to run themselves.
Control Hazard and Operability Study (CHAZOP) is a procedure for carrying the safety and reliability analysis of existing or planned Control and Computer systems. The execution of a CHAZOP can take several forms depending on the focus and goal of the study.
CHAIR Facilitator
CHAIR (Construction Hazard Assessment Implication Review) is a tool to assist designers, constructors, clients and other key stakeholders to come together to reduce construction, maintenance, repair and demolition safety risks associated with design.
Currently mentoring 5th Year Engineers in their design phase projects